
April 19, 2018

The road from Rakitovec towards Golič, Lipnik and Kavčič hills.

Pot od Rakitovca proti Goliču, Lipniku, Kavčiču.

Sea wave. Yes, there used to be sea.

Morski val. Da, tu je bilo včasih morje.

Stargate. This passage is called stargate.

Zvezdna vrata. Ta prehod imenujejo stargate.

The landscape is completely different after the stargate.

Pokrajina je od zvezdnih vrat povsem drugačna.


Vzletna steza?

I expected thousands of flowers but there were only a few of them.

Pričakoval sem tisoče rož, a jih je bilo le nekaj.

Everything was so brownish; it seem that I came too soon.

Vse je bilo še tako rjavkasto; izgleda da sem prišel prezgodaj.

The summit.


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