Greeting spring

March 11, 2016

Before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1582, the name day of St Gregory (12 March) was considered the first day of spring. The spring, which brought longer days, and more light and warmth, was also welcomed by the iron forgers. The days became longer and they no longer needed artificial light at their work. Therefore, as a symbolic gesture, lamps were thrown into the water on the eve of St Gregory's Day.

On 11 March of every year, on the eve of St Gregory's Day,  the arrival of spring is celebrated at dusk - the Lipnica Stream in the village of Kamna Gorica is illuminated with candles affixed to the floating art creations of local children. 

Pozdrav pomladi je tradicionalna prireditev, ki poteka pred praznikom Sv. Gregorja, obuja pa star običaj, po katerem so obrtniki po vodi spuščali lesene cokle z gorečimi svečkami, kar je pomenilo, da se veselijo, ker pri delu ne bodo več potrebovali luči. Sveti Gregor v ljudskem izročilu namreč velja za začetnika pomladi, saj se je po starem (julijanskem) koledarju na dan njegovega godu (12. marec) začenjala pomlad.

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