Land of four soils
January 24, 2018
A view from Brtonigla towards Buje.
Pogled iz Brtonigle proti Bujam.
Umag and the Adriatic Sea in the distance.
Umag in Jadransko morje v daljavi.
The valley and the bay of the river Mirna in the distance.
Dolina in zaliv reke Mirne v daljavi.
Dry riverbed somewhere between Punta and Baredine.
Suha rečna struga nekje med Punto in Baredinami.
Škarline Nature Park.
Naravni park Škarline.
Pogled iz Brtonigle proti Bujam.
Umag and the Adriatic Sea in the distance.
Umag in Jadransko morje v daljavi.
The valley and the bay of the river Mirna in the distance.
Dolina in zaliv reke Mirne v daljavi.
Dry riverbed somewhere between Punta and Baredine.
Suha rečna struga nekje med Punto in Baredinami.
Škarline Nature Park.
Naravni park Škarline.